134th Infantry Regiment Crest

134th Infantry Regiment

"All Hell Can't Stop Us"

35th Infantry Division emblem

Maps of La Meauffe and Villiers-Fossard area near St. Lo, France

Crests of 35th Division Infantry Regiments

Crests of 35th Division Infantry Regiments

On the night of July 9, 1944, General Baade issued Field Order No. 2 which directed the 35th Infantry Division to enter the battle positions relieving elements of the 29th and 30th Infantry Divisions in the vicinity of La Meauffe. The line ran from the River Vire above La Meauffe and extended in a southeasterly direction through La Riviere to La Nicollerie. The 29th Division, still battling after having forced its beachhead landing and fighting its way inland, was on the left flank. The 30th Division, on the right, was on the other bank of the Vire. Their attack was synchronized with the 35th's.

Mr. Igor Letribot is the curator of the Memorial of la Madelaine in St. Lo. He is also a member of both the 35th Division Association and the 29th Division Association. Mr. Letribot has researched and visited many of the battle sites in this area. According to his research the first contact with the 29th Division was a la Chitelliere area July 14 at 3:30 p.m. The 134th Regiment of the 35th Division assisted the Third Battalion of the 115th Regiment, 29th Division because of the large concentration of German paratroops in its area.

The top map shows La Meauffe at 70 - 49, Le Carillon at 69 - 50, the Emelie crossroad and Les Ifs area Hill 122.

The lower left hand corner of the bottom map shows Emelie crossroad, where the 35th Division took a lot of casualties.


My thanks to Mr. Igor Letribot, curator of the Memorial of la Madelaine in St. Lo, for providing these maps.  Mr. Letribot's Email address is Igorl64@aol.com 

CLICK HERE to see photographs of the 35th Infantry Division Memorials at La Meauffe and St. Georges Moncoq, France and original July 1944 photographs of La Meauffe.

CLICK HERE to go to the unit history book Presenting the 35th Infantry Division in World War II, 1941 - 1945. Chapter 3 of this unit history book, The Battle for St. Lo!, gives a detailed description of the battles fought in the St. Lo - La Meauffe area.

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