134th Infantry Regiment Crest

134th Infantry Regiment Website

35th Infantry Division Research Center

"All Hell Can't Stop Us"

35th Infantry Division emblem

134th Infantry Regiment Combat History of WWII by General Butler B. Miltonberger and Major James A. Huston - A paperback reprint of this 1946 unit history complete with photographs is available on Amazon


Posted July 2024

T/Sgt Lyle E Lovelady, Company K, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pfc Robert C Lowry, Company D, 320th Infantry Regiment

Pfc Gordon Loveday, Company L, 320th Infantry Regiment

Pvt Joseph D Love, Company G, 134th Infantry Regiment

Sgt Eugene L Louderback, Company G, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pvt Anthony Lombardi, Company I, 320th Infantry Regiment

Pfc Bernard J Lonczinski, Company F, 137th Infantry Regiment

S/Sgt Emmett T Loucks, Company L, 134th Infantry Regiment

S/Sgt Dean E Long, Company L, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pfc Oscar W Lloyd, Company G, 134th Infantry Regiment

T/Sgt Sherrod C Lines, Company E, 137th Infantry Regiment

Pfc Clarence C Little, Company L, 137th Infantry Regiment

Pvt Joseph M Livio, Company E, 134th Infantry Regiment

Sgt Melvin E Lind, Company C, 137th Infantry Regiment

Pfc Lucius E Lindsay, Company I, 134th Infantry Regiment

Recent Postings

Pvt Joseph F Lewis, Company C, 137th Infantry Regiment

Pvt Wiley T Allen, Company E, 134th Infantry Regiment

137th Infantry Regiment Officers, group photo, October 1943

Pfc James E Light, Company F, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pfc George E Lewis, Company K, 137th Infantry Regiment

Pfc Wilburn R Lewis, Company D, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pfc Henry Lewandowski, Headquarters Company 3rd Battalion, 320th Infantry Regiment


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