134th Infantry Regiment Crest

134th Infantry Regiment Website

35th Infantry Division Research Center

"All Hell Can't Stop Us"

35th Infantry Division emblem

Links of Interest

35th Infantry Division Association - Link to the 35th Division Association Web Site

35th Infantry Division Facebook - Link to the official 35th Division Facebook page, "Santa Fe Leads the Way"

35th Infantry Division Museum - Take a Virtual Tour of the Kansas National Guard and 35th Infantry Division Museum in Topeka, Kanasas

35th Infantry Division Belgium on Facebook - The '35th Infantry Division Belgium' is a study group that researches the history of the 35th Infantry Division and its soldiers in World War 2. "Every soldier who ever fought in the 35th Infantry Division will always be remembered by our group in Belgium." 

35th Infantry Division Memory.com - A website devoted to preserving the memories of the 35th Infantry Division and the men who fought and died in France. This cite is in both English and French.

From Cornrow to Hedgerow: The Nebraska National Guard in Peace and War, 1919-1945 by Nicholas Andrew Tuma, M.A. - August 2023

This Masters Thesis examines the Nebraska National Guard from 1919 - 1945: Chapter 1 - Organization of the Nebraska National Guard, 1919 - 1940; Chapter 2 - The Nebraska National Guard in Community and State in the Interwar Period; Chapter 3 - Adopted Sons of Arkansas: The Nebraska National Guard at Camp Robinson, 1941; Chapter 4 - Wartime Training and Service Around the World, 1941 - 1944; Chapter 5 - From Cornrow to Hedgerow: The Nebraska National Guard in Combat, 1944-1945

134th Infantry Regiment "All Hell Can't Stop Us" - Nebraska PBS Documentary profiles the 134th Infantry Regiment and their battle for St. Lo, France

161st Field Artillery Band - T/Sgt Joseph E. Turner's photo album of the 161st Field Artillery Band.

654th Tank Destroyer Battalion - Website includes history, photos, and personnel rosters of the 654th TD BN

784th Tank Battalion on Facebook - Attached to the 35th Division on February 8, 1945, this website includes historical information about the 784th Tank Battalion.

American Battle Monuments Commission - A database of those buried at American Military cemeteries on foreign soil and those Missing in Action. It does not contain the names of Americans returned to the United States for burial. Includes some biographical information for each soldier.

American World War II Orphans Network, AWON - An organization of sons and daughters of Americans killed and missing in World War II.

Bastogne War Museum - Mardasson Memorial in Bastogne, Belgium.

Battle of the Bulge Memories - Website with a lot of very good information about the Battle of the Bulge.

Fields of Honor Database website - Information about fallen American soldiers who are buried in the American War Cemeteries Ardennes, Henri-Chapelle, and Margraten. This database is a project of the Dutch non-profit organization Foundation United Adopters American War Graves whose goal is to honor American WWII who fought and died for the freedom of others and who have been buried in overseas American War Cemeteries in particular Ardennes, Henri-Chapelle, and Margraten. The database is frequently updated.

Individual Deceased Personnel Files (IDPFs) - The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has begun posting WWII IDPFs on their website. IDPFs for about 7,000 of the approximately 400,000 U.S. WWII battle deaths have been posted - so they have a long way to go, but this is a start. IDPFs are a great resource if you are researching a service member who was killed during the war. The content of these files can vary. They usually include the person's service record. LINK to NARA where you can search within this series.

James Graff, Company C, 134th Infantry Regiment, 3 Interviews Lincoln Presidential Library  -  Museum of the Kansas National Guard  -  Modern Military History podcast

l'Espace de Memoire Lorraine 1939-45 (Lorraine Center for World War II) - The site will be of interest to anyone researching the 35th Division or WWII in general. Much of the information is in French. However, under "liens" there are links to many useful sites in English.

Medics, A History of Company A, 110th Medical Battalion in WWII by Phil Cohen - The 110th Medical Battalion was attached to the 35th Infantry Division in WWII.

Military Times Hall of Valor - a searchable database of an estimated 350,000 awards above the Bronze Star.

Military Times Hall of Valor Awards to Members of the 35th Infantry Division: C. Douglas Sterner, Curator, Military Times Hall of Valor, has transcribed citations for all awards of the Silver Star Medal and higher issued to members of all units of the 35th Infantry Division for service during WWII. Thanks to Mr. Sterner for sharing this document.

National Personnel Records Center - Official government website with instruction for how to request Military Personnel Records.

National WWII Memorial - Site includes a searchable WWII registry

Nebraska History - Nebraska History has a significant collection of military documents and records relating to the 134th Infantry Regiment. These include maps, Unit Journals, Aid Station Reports, and After Action Reports, among other documents. These documents are in the Archival Collection of the Butler B Miltonberger Collection, RG3558.AM.

Nebraska National Guard Museum - Seward, Nebraska

Veterans Administration Grave Site Locator - Search for veterans gravesites in National and State military cemeteries and in private cemeteries when the grave is marked with a govermnent provided grave marker.

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