134th Infantry Regiment"All Hell Can't Stop Us" |
1 June 1945
Transcribed by Roberta V. Russo, Palatine IL, 1/18/2012
SUBJECT: Report After Action Against Enemy.
TO: The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D.C.
1. In compliance with the provisions of Par 10 C3, AR 345-105, submitted below is the report after action against the enemy for the 134th Infantry covering the period 1 - 31 May 1945. As this unit engaged in no combat activity against an organized and armed enemy force during the period mentioned, this report will detail the following:
a. Mission and how it was accomplished.
b. Summary of service rendered.
c. Difficulties encountered and how they were overcome.
d. Improvisations and how they were devised.
The mission of the 134th Infantry during the period was to occupy, secure and govern certain assigned areas of conquered Germany. As the areas assigned were extensive beyond all combat and field manual practice, it was necessary to deploy the elements of the command over great distances. This increased the difficulties of control and enormously enlarged the communication problems. Each of the combat elements, the three battalions and two special unit companies, was assigned a sub-area within the regimental area. This division continued to as far as platoon areas. Over each minor area, town majors and military governors were established. Local security, patrols for control of civilian circulation, and security of designated intelligence targets was established as indicated by the local situation. In many cases check points on the various roads supplemented the patrol activity. The over-all policy was directed by the military government officer assigned to regiment, who also coordinated with any established military government detachments operating through other channels in the area. Every effort was made to maintain uniform regulations and policies throughout the area. Effort was also made to accomplish the security of displaced persons camps with as little show of "restrictive enclosure" feeling as possible. It was found that such things as short band concerts, liberty consistent with security and control through a camp commander appointed from the persons within the camp, all led to better relations and to less trouble.
During the period 1 - 5 May, the Regiment continued the occupation and governing of the area in the vicinity of Eldagsen, Germany. The area contained approximately 1,000 square miles, with 166 cities, towns, and villages. Military Government had been established in 25 of the towns with 24 of them being screened by the CIC. Initially there were seven military hospitals in the area containing 4,295 military patients. Evacuation of ambulant enemy soldier patients continued from all hospitals in the area. May 6 - 16, the unit occupied Hannover, Germany, continuing therein the already established posts of town major and military governor and coordinating with the local military government detachment on security and public safety problems. During this time, considerable advance was made in the reclamation of the city, including the reestablishment of several operational electric tram lines. Large numbers of French, Polish and Dutch displaced persons were evacuated. From May 17 to 28, the area of Wadersloh, Germany, was occupied and governed. Considerable training was undertaken by troops not engaged in operational functions. From May 19 to the end of the period, the regiment was attached to the 66th Infantry Division and occupied, governed and secured the landkreises of Mayen and Ahrweiler in the Koblenz area. The Regimental Cannon and Anti-Tank Companies, plus the Battalion Anti-Tank Platoons and Company B, formed a Provisional Military Police Battalion under the command of the Provost Marshal, 66th Division, for operations in the division area. Troops not engaged in operational functions underwent additional training.
Communication presented the largest single problem during the period. Extended supply lines and poor telephone transmission required considerable supplementing. Normal transportation engaged in hauling supply and water was increased by the use of other organic transportation. Telephone lines were supplemented by the use of both open wire and cable facilities of civilian sources. Constant check was maintained in an effort to assure the maximum security and all users were warned that no line should be considered secure for classified information. In the combined use of copper and iron wire, considerable difficulty was encountered. Coupled with the extreme length of the wire lines, the noise level was such that poor transmission sometimes resulted. The inclusion of small, efficient repeater in the switchboard itself would greatly relieve this situation. Repeating coils of the present issue did not prove satisfactory. Some thought should also be given to facilities to balance the combined lines. This is particularly true in the situation covered by this report, but is also a not unusual combat experience. Further, in this situation, Table of Equipment Allowances are insufficient and better operational results would be gained by the issuance of at least a 24-drop switchboard to regiments, a 12-drop board to battalions, and a 6-drop board to companies, along with a corresponding supply of telephones. At the present time, some supplementation is being made with captured German equipment, which undoubtedly increases transmission difficulties due to the mis-match of American and German equipment. Concerning radio transmission, the difficulties are again distance, coupled with mask effect. The present SCR 284 in the infantry regiment is not adequate in occupational situations. With the distances involved, almost any area will present problems of mask, and more often than not distance alone obviates satisfactory transmission. This is considering radio as distinctly supplementary to wire communication. It is felt that the use of the SCR 193 would eliminate this trouble within the regimental net.
With the above-mentioned use of captured German telephone equipment as the exception, improvisation was not found necessary in the accomplishment of the mission.
6. There were no battle casualties incurred during the period. Award received by members of the 134th Infantry are as follows:
DSC, Reg/Olc - Officers 0/0; Enlisted Men 1/0
Silver Star, Reg/Olc - Officers 0/0; Enlisted Men 6/0
Soldier's Medal, Reg/Olc - Officers 0/0; Enlisted Men 0/0
Bronze Star, Reg/Olc - Officers 15/0; Enlisted Men 23/2
The number of Purple Heart Medals awarded for wounds received prior to the period of this report is: 147.
Colonel, Infantry
Incls: 4
Incl 1 - Unit Journal
Incl 2 - S-2 Period Reports
Incl 3 - S-3 Situation Reports
Incl 4 - Field Orders & Operatins Memorandums.
(All Incls with original only)
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