134th Infantry Regiment"All Hell Can't Stop Us" |
1 May 1945
Transcribed by Roberta V. Russo, Palatine IL, 1/18/2012
SUBJECT: Report After Action Against Enemy.
TO: The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D.C.
1. In compliance with the provisions of Par 10 C3, AR 345-105, submitted below is report after action against the enemy for the 134th Infantry covering the period 1 - 30 April 1945.
April 1, 1945
At end of the last period the 134th Infantry was facing Recklinghausen, Germany, into which the 161st Field Artillery, reinforced, planned to pour over 4,000 rounds during the night of 31 March - 1 April. Orders had been received at 2044 31 March, to continue the attack to the east at 0700, 1 April. At 0030 the Commanding Officer, 3rd Battalion, requested permission to launch his attack at 0630, to take advantage of the early morning haze. This request was approved. By 0700 both the first and third battalions had reported that they were on the way, and at 0745, the third had reached the town of Hochlar, in the face of some small arms and assault-gun or tank fire. At 0835, the troops had worked well into the town, though they were still receiving machine-gun and tank fire. At this time, the battalion was ordered to continue the attack, seize and hold Recklinghausen. About the same time, the I & R platoon was ordered to clear Aufder-Haide and secure that avenue leading into our right flank. This was the first time that the platoon had been used on such a mission and in this instance the usage was successful. There was little opposition other than harassing mortar and artillery fire - the natives attempted to aid rather than hinder, the children going so far as to collect and surrender abandoned weapons of the enemy. One hospital was taken, with 23 soldier-patients; 20 other prisoners were taken. It is not contemplated using this platoon regularly on seize-and-hold missions, but "as the tactical situation dictates - - ". The second battalion, in assembly as regimental reserve at Stukembusch and Bochum was alerted at 0935 to be prepared to move on 30-minutes notice after 1130. At 1025, the regimental command post displaced to Buer Resse. At 1143, the third battalion, with L on the right and K on the left, jumped off for Recklinghausen and by 1235 were in the western outskirts of the town. One tank and two self-propelled guns had been observed to withdraw into the town during the advance. By 1255, the two companies had reached the inner-wall that surrounded the old section of the town, having received relatively heavy casualties during the operation. Meanwhile, the first battalion had been advancing in zone receiving considerable small arms, artillery and assault gun fire. Swinging slightly south, the battalion was engaged in clearing a large coal mine when it was ordered to advance to Suderwich, in the third battalion zone. At 1420, the artillery air OP reported six to eight unidentified tanks to the northeast. Twenty-five minutes later these were identified as enemy tanks and brought under fire by the 161st Field Artillery. At 1421, the third battalion reported its troops in the center of Recklinghausen, with opposition lessening. 27 PWs had been taken by that time. At 1510, the town was clear and about 200 more prisoners taken, all wounded soldiers in a hospital. At 1540, the second battalion was committed on the right of the first. By 1720, the first had cleared Berghausen and 35 minutes later Rollinghausen, too, was secure. After having cleared a roadblock on the east edge of that town, the advance was resumed and by 1925 two companies were approaching Suderwich. At 2000 the troops were still cleaning out the town, having overcome most of the resistance. By 1940, the second battalion had gone into position on the right and was attempting to contact the 137th Infantry on that flank. However, Company F became engaged in a fire-fight and was not able to establish the contact until later. At 2130, the order was issued to consolidate for the night. The day's operation had resulted in an advance of 7,000 yards and the clearing of the towns of Hochlar, Zorche General Blumenthal mines, Recklinghausen, Berghausen, Rollinghausen, Rollin and numerous small groups of buildings. At the end of the daylight the third battalion was still engaged in clearing Suderwich. The hospital captured at Herten included 35 wounded German soldiers, two wounded Volkstrum, one medical officer, eight aid men, and one girl from a German AA Unit. Another hospital seized at Recklinghausen held 53 German soldiers, five aid men and two medical officers. In addition to the wounded PWs that were placed under guard with the hospital staffs, 147 POWs were evacuated during the day.
April 2, 1945
The third battalion continued to occupy Recklinghausen as Regimental reserve, patrolling the town and the adjacent area. At 0845, the first and second battalions resumed the attack. The direction was now generally south by southeast, with the Rhein-Herne Canal as the objective. Actually, the objective contained two parallel canals, running eastward from the Rhine river in the vicinity of Duisburg. The smaller northern canal crossed the Rhein-Herne in the zone of the left (first) battalion. Also on the left boundary the autobahn crossed the canal. By 1015, Company F had entered Poppinhausen after crossing the minor canal on the debris of a blown bridge. All bridges over both canals later proved to have been destroyed. In Poppinhausen, Company F received heavy artillery and mortar fire and were engaged also by direct fire from emplaced 88mm flak guns. Any movement in the town was the signal for another enemy barrage. Company E was finally committed on the left for F, down the center of the battalion zone. However, this was a limited commitment, intended only to secure the center and to contain a woods area in the vicinity. The forward observer of the 161st Field Artillery Battalion finally managed to maneuver into a position from which he could accurately adjust fire on the emplaced guns between the battalion and the objective. After silencing four guns with time fire and WP, the battalion was able to move to the objective. Patrols then determined that the bridges across the main canal had also been destroyed. Company G operating in the left portion of the battalion zone, had encountered considerable small arms fire, as well as some of the 88mm fire that was delaying the rest of the battalion. However, after a well placed artillery and mortar preparation, the company was able to occupy the terrain commanding the objective and to send patrols to the bridges. These were determined destroyed, also. Concurrently the first battalion had advanced in zone, encountering some small arms and artillery fire. By 1630, the battalion was on the objective and had determined that the autobahn and other bridges over the canal had been destroyed by the enemy. The attachment of Company A, 654 TD Battalion (SP) was changed to direct support at 1600. At 1935 information was received from G-3 that elements of the 75th Infantry Division would relieve the 134th Infantry during the night 2 - 3 April. Reconnaissance parties from the 289th and 290th Infantry Regiments arrived by 2010 to coordinate the relief. The 134th was to assemble with the second battalion at Hesterholt and the first and third battalions moving to Herten and Buer Resse, respectively. At 2147 the second battalion reported contact with the 137th Infantry on the right; at 2210 the supporting tanks returned to the control of the tank battalion; the 161st Field Artillery remained in position.
April 3, 1945
At 0430, the first battalion, 290th Infantry, assumed responsibility for the area held by Company C, 134th Infantry. Companies G and F were relieved by 0620 and ten minutes later the completion of the relief of the first battalion was reported. The relief of the regiment was reported to Division Headquarters as of 0630. By 1131 the regiment had assembled as Division reserve, with the second battalion closing in a Herten rather than Hesterholt. At 1600, a plan was received for the relief of one battalion each from the 137th and 320th Infantry regiments. This put the regiment in the center of the Division sector, with the 137th Infantry on the left and the 320th Infantry on the right. The OPLR was generally along the Rhien-Herne Canal, facing south. This change was to be effected April 4th.
April 4, 1945
At an 0800 command meeting, FO 63, this headquarters, was issued for the relief of elements of the 137th Infantry and 320th Infantry Regiments. By 1915, the third battalion had relieved elements of the 320th Infantry; the 137th elements were relieved by the second battalion at 2205.
April 5, 1945
Motor patrols for the security of the regimental area were established, while other elements of the regiment continued to hold and improve positions facing the Rhein-Herne Canal.
April 6, 1945
The first battalion relieved the first battalion, 320th Infantry thus giving the regiment a three battalion front on the Rhein-Herne Canal. Company C displaced by motor to the vicinity of Letkampshof, with the mission of guarding the XVI Corps command post.
April 7, 1945
There was no change in the tactical situation. A diversionary action by fire was made with all automatic and supporting weapons prior to the attack of the 79th Division on the right of the regiment.
April 8, 1945
The first battalion was relieved in the right sector of the regiment by the 35th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop. Reconnaissance was made for a crossing of the Rhein-Herne Canal by the first and third battalions.
April 9, 1945
The third battalion started crossing the canal at 0630 in the face of fairly heavy resistance, but the bridgehead was established with two squads and gradually expanded until at 0820 all of Company L had crossed. Considerable machine-gun fire was encountered from the left flank. Company K attempted a simultaneous crossing, but was not successful due to strong resistance and a gap in the bridge-debris that expedient materials were unable to span. The first battalion, crossing in the zone of the 137th Infantry, attacked east-northeast along the south side of the canal and at 0955 Company A captured the enemy group facing Company K, permitting the advance of that unit. Receiving orders at 1115 to continue the attack to the south and east, the first and third battalions moved forward against scattered opposition. The second battalion was relieved by elements of the 35th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop and at 1500 crossed the Rhein-Herne Canal to take positions north of Gelsenkirchen. The action of the day had resulted in an advance of approximately five kilometers and the capture of 134 POW.
April 10, 1945
By 0940, the second battalion had cleared the town of Gelsenkirchen and by 1245 had closed into assembly at Rohlinghausen, patrolling and guarding targets in the regimental area. Attacking at 0700, the first and third battalions continued to advance against scattered opposition, clearing the towns of Rottbruch, Riemke, Hofstede, Eickel, and Eickelbruch.
April 11, 1945
The first and third battalions swung south and passed through the forward positions of the 313th Infantry, 79th Division and continued south from Bochum, clearing the area of Weitmar, Weitmar-Mark, Neuling Haarl, Weitmar Holz, Sundern, Brockhausen, Stiepl and occupying positions overlooking the Ruhr river. The second battalion continued to patrol the rear area and to guard targets in the regimental sector. Opposition during the day was light, with some artillery fire being received in the area late in the afternoon. Company K relieved Companies B and C at 2205.
April 12, 1945
At 0700, the first battalion attacked to clear the remaining enemy from the salient formed by the Ruhr river. Fanatical resistance was encountered from a group of paratroopers, supported by at least one direct fire weapon. At 2300, after making only a limited advance during the day, the attack was suspended and the position secured for the night.
April 13, 1945
Constant artillery, mortar, small arms and bazooka fire was received during the night by the forward elements of Company A. Sporadic fighting continued as contact was maintained with the enemy. At 0600, the 134th Infantry was operationally attached to the 79th Division, when the 35th Division, less the 134th, moved to join the XIX Corps. At 0530, the first battalion resumed the attack, with Company A on the left and B on the right. Initially stiff resistance was encountered, which seemed to lessen about mid-day, when Company B was able to advance. Company A continued to meet heavy fire from a brick works. Attack continued against decreasing resistance and by 2000 the entire salient was controlled by the first battalion positions. Company C remained in reserve throughout the operation except for one platoon which patrolled to the right, clearing the Dahlhauser Tiefbau Mine and making contact with the 314th Infantry. The third battalion continued to hold its defensive position overlooking the Ruhr river until 1430, at which time elements of the third battalion, 315th Infantry, relieved the battalion in its sector. By 1530, the third battalion, 134th Infantry, was assembled in its assigned area. The second battalion, with Antitank Company attached, continued security missions until 1600, when it was relieved by elements of the 79th Infantry Division and elements of the 17th Airborne Division and assembled. The first battalion consolidated its positions overlooking the Ruhr and at 2130 was relieved on position by elements of the second battalion, 315th Infantry.
April 14, 1945
Combat Team 134 moved by motor from Bochum to the vicinity of Bosdorf, a distance of 231 miles, to rejoin the 35th Division under control of XIX Corps. Starting at 0600, the leading elements closed at Weddendorf at 1900.
April 15, 1945
At 0400, the Combat Team completed the move to the new area and at 0800 advanced to the east with a mission of seizing the west bank of the Elbe river and clearing all enemy from the zone. All battalions were motorized and the advance continued throughout the day without opposition. Many small groups of enemy surrendered without resistance. By 2000 the second and third battalions occupied positions on the west bank of the Elbe, while the first battalion occupied the towns of Mahlwinkel and Zibberick and patrolled the regimental rear area. During this operation, large areas of forest were cleared of the enemy and an enemy motor pool overrun. Also seized in the advance was a combined artillery range and ordnance proving ground, as well as several large caliber railroad guns on a nearby siding. 132 POW were evacuated.
April 16, 1945
Second and third battalions continued to improve defensive positions along the west bank of the Elbe river. A change of the right boundary widened the front of the third battalion by approximately four kilometers, to include the town of Rogatz. The first battalion continued to patrol the rear areas, sweeping wooded areas for enemy stragglers. As part of the 35th Division, the regiment was relieved of operational attachment to XIX Corps and attached to XIII Corps effective 1200.
April 17, 1945
The regiment continued to clear scattered groups of enemy from the rear area to improve the forward positions.
April 18, 1945
The second battalion was relieved in its sector by the third battalion, 137th Infantry, and shuttled to a new sector on the right of the third battalion 134th Infantry. Companies E and G relieved Company I in the town of Rogatz while the remainder of the battalion assembled in the vicinity of Angern.
April 19, 1945
The regiment continued to hold and improve defensive positions on the west bank of the Elbe river.
Arpil 20, 1945
No change in the tactical situation.
April 21, 1945
Elements of the second battalion relieved elements of the 30th Infantry Division in the town of Heinrichsburg. Company A searched the large woods in the vicinity of the regimental command post for reported enemy infiltration patrols. Seven POW were taken. Upon completion of this mission, A Company was assembled at Angern. The first battalion command post was also moved to this town.
April 22, 1945
Second platoon, Company G relieved elements of the 125th Cavalry on a quarantine security mission at the town of Farsleben. Antitank Company was relieved of attachment to the battalions and assembled in the vicinity of Remstedt to deny refuge in that area to enemy patrols. Other units of the regiment continued to improve defensive positions and patrol the regimental sector.
April 23, 1945
At 0530, an enemy patrol, estimated at 50 strong, crossed the Elbe river in the vicinity of Kehnert and attacked Company K's position. This attack was repulsed with the enemy losing 17 killed, 7 wounded and 12 captured. The remainder of the patrol withdrew east of the Elbe river. The first battalion continued to patrol the regimental rear sector, moving Company B to assembly in the vicinity of Schricke. Leaving one platoon to occupy Remstedt, Antitank Company shifted their position to Colbitz.
April 24, 1945
The regiment continued to hold and improve defensive positions on the west bank of the Elbe river. The regiment was alerted for movement and initial preparations were made.
April 25, 1945
There was no change in the tactical situation. A confirming order was received late in the day for movement of the 134th Infantry as part of the 35th Division to the vicinity of Hannover with the mission of occupying and governing an assigned area.
April 26, 1945
The regiment was relieved by elements of the 407th infantry, 102nd Division and assembled in preparation for motor movement to the vicinity of Hannover. The relief was completed by 1900.
April 27, 1945
134th Infantry moved by motor to occupy an area south of Hannover containing approximately 125 towns or villages and seven SHAEF targets. Regimental CP opened at Eldagsen. Movement was completed by 1537.
April 28, 1945
The regiment continued to occupy and govern assigned sector. 146 POW were evacuated as a result of screening civilians and search of area.
April 29, 1945
All units continued to occupy and govern assigned areas. Troops engaged in rehabilitation and refitting. The third battalion assumed responsibility for Bad Pyrmont, a town containing approximately 68 enemy hospitals or convalescent camps.
April 30, 1945
There was no change in the tactical situation.
April 31, 1945
The regiment continued to occupy and govern assigned area.
2. The battle casualties for the month of April are as follows:
KIA - 0 Officers; 13 Enlisted Men
DOW - 1 Officer; 1 Enlisted Man
SWA - 0 Officers; 8 Enlisted Men
SIA - 0 Officers; 0 Enlisted Men
LWA - 2 Officers; 50 Enlisted Men
LIA - 1 Officer; 13 Enlisted Men
MIA - 0 Officers; 4 Enlisted Men
Total - 8 Officers; 178 Enlisted Men
Awards received by members of the 134th Infantry are as follows:
DSC - Reg/Olc; Officers 0/0; Enlisted Men 0/0
Silver Star - Reg/Olc; Officers 1/0; Enlisted Men 1/0
Soldier's Medal - Reg/Olc; Officers 0/0; Enlisted Men 0/0
Bronze Star - Reg/Olc; Officers 12/1; Enlisted Men 20/2
Air Medal - Reg/Olc; Officers 0/0; Enlisted Men 0/0
The number of Purple Heart Medals awarded is: 31.
One (1) Meritorious Service Unit Plaque.
Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry
1 Incls:
Incl 1 - Unit Journal
Incl 2 - S-2 Periodic Reports
Incl 3- S-3 Situation Report
Incl 4 - Field Orders & Operations Memorandums.
(All Incls with original only)
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