134th Infantry Regiment"All Hell Can't Stop Us" |
Headquarters 35th Infantry Division
APO 35, US Army
6 June 1945
SUBJECT: Action Against Enemy, Report After
TO: The Adjutant General, Washington, D. C.
1. In compliance with the provisions of Par 10 C3, AR 345-105, submitted below is report after action against the enemy for the 35th Infantry Division covering the period 1 May, 1945 to 31 May, 1945.
2. Victory Day in Europe, 9 May, 1945, found the 35th Inf Div located in the vicinity of Hannover, Germany, with the mission of occupying and governing its assigned area. The Division had moved to the vicinity of Hannover on 26 April, 1945 from positions along the Elbe River. VE Day marked the end of 304 days in combat in World War II for the Division, during which time it fought in five campaigns in France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland, and Germany.
With the end of the war the Division continued its mission of occupying and governing in the Hannover area. The mission involved guarding of vital military and civil installations, such as factories, bridges, food stores, displaced person and Allied PW camps, etc. Troops not actually engaged in guarding mission underwent training and rehabilitation. During this time the Division was under control of XIII Corps.
On 18 - 19 May, 1945, the Division, after being relieved by the 84th Inf Div, moved W to the vicinity of Recklinghausen, Germany, relieving the 95th Inf Div of occupational duties in that area. The duties in the new area were much the same as those in the Hannover sector. The move placed the Div under control of XVI Corps.
On 27 May, 1945 the 134th Inf Regt was relieved by the 60th Engr (C) Bn and began moving to vic Coblenz where it temporarily came under control of the 66th Inf Div. At the close of the month the remainder of the Division was in the process of being relieved by the 3d British Infantry Division and was making preparations to move to vicinity of Coblenz on 1 June, 1945.
For the Commanding General:
Richard G. Chadwick
Lt. Col., A. G. D.
Adjutant General
HQ 35 Inf Div
Recklinghausen (A6335) Germany
291200B May 45
MAPS: GSGS 4346, 1:250,000, Sheets K52, K51 and K50.
1. 35 Inf Div (reinf) (-134 Inf) will be relieved of responsibility for present area by 3 British Div 29 and 30 May 45. Units of 35 Inf Div, on being relieved, will assemble in present areas, prepared for rail and motor move to Fifteenth Army area, vicinity Koblenz, during the period 1 June - 4 June 45. On arrival in Koblenz area, 35 Inf Div relieves 66 Inf Div, occupies and governs assigned area. Overlay. March Table to be issued later.
2. 137 Inf (w/547 AAA AW Bn atchd) turn over responsibility for present area to 9 British Inf Brigade 30 May 45. On completion of relief by 9 Inf Brigade, 547 AAA AW Bn is relieved from atchmt to 137 Inf and to 35 Inf Div and reverts to control of XVI Corps in place. 137 Inf assemble in present area at places agreed upon with 9 Inf Brigade. Prepared to move by rail (foot trs) and organic motors to Koblenz area. On arrival in new area, relieve 262 Inf of occupation, security, and military government responsibility in Landkreises St Goar, Zell, Cochem and Simmern. Overlay. March Table (later).
3. 320 Inf turn over responsibility for that portion of present Regtl area included in Stadkreis and Landkreis Munster to 34 Armd Brigade (Br) 29 May 45, and remainder of Regtl area (Landkreis Warendorf) to 3 Recce Regt (Br) 30 May 45. Assemble Regt in present area at places agreed upon with relieving units. Prepare to move by rail (foot trs) and organic motors to Koblenz area. On arrival in new area, relieve 264 Inf of occupation, security, and military government responsibility in Landkreises Neuwied, Altenkirchen, and Koblenz. 654 TD Bn. atchd 320 Inf on arrival in Koblenz area, will occupy Landkreis Koblenz. Overlay. March Table (later).
4. 35 Div Arty (w/448 AAA AW Bn atchd) turn over responsibility for that portion of present area included in Landkreis Ludinghausen to elms 1st Belgian Brigade 29 - 30 May 45, and remainder of area (Landkreis Coesfeld) to 9 Agra 30 May 45. Assemble Div Arty in present area at places agreed upon with relieving units. Prepare to move by rail (elms 127 FA Bn and 448 AAA AW Bn) and motor to Koblenz area. On arrival in new area, relieve 66 Div Arty of occupation, security, and military government responsibility in Landkreises Birkenfeld and Kreuznach. Overlay. March Table (later).
5. 60 Engr (C) Bn turn over responsibility for present area to elms 1st Belgian Brigade 29 - 30 May 45. Assemble Bn in present area at places agreed upon with 1st Belgian Brigade. Prepare to move by motor to Koblenz area. On arrival in new area, Div Res. Perform Engr tasks in Div area. Overlay. March Table (later).
6. 709 Tk Bn (w/Co B, 739 Tk Bn atchd) turn over responsibility for present area to elms 1st Belgian Brigade 29 - 30 May 45. Assemble Bn vic Ahlen (B1051). On completion of relief and assembly, 709 Tk Bn (reinf) is relieved from atchmt to 35 Inf Div and reverts to control of XVI Corps in place.
7. 784 Tk Bn prepare to move by rail (track-laying vehicles) and motor to Koblenz area. On arrival in new area, Div Res. Coordinate local military government with 134th Inf. Conduct maint and tng. Overlay. March Table (later).
8. 654 TD Bn prepare to move by rail (track-laying vehicles) and motor to Koblenz area. On arrival in new area, atchd 320 Inf for purpose of occupying and governing Landkreis Koblenz. Overlay. March Table (later).
9. Other Div units prepare to move by motor to Koblenz area. Overlay. March Table (later).
10. Movement of Rr Ech personnel will be by motor of Div Arty and 35 QM Co. Div Arty be prepared to furnish 45 trucks, 2 ½ T, for this purpose.
11. Unit advance billeting parties move individually 30 May to Koblenz area.
12. Uniform for move: Field, w/steal helmets.
Annexes - 2
1 - Overlay, routes (later)
2 - March Table (later)
CG, Ninth Army - 2
CG, Fifteenth Army - 2
CG, XVI Corps - 2
CG, 66 Inf Div - 1
CG, 3 Div (Br) - 1
CG, 95 Inf Div - 1
CG, 35 Div Arty - 6
CO, Ea Inf Regt - 1
CO, 110 Med Bn - 1
CO, 709 Tk Bn - 1
CO, 784 Tk Bn - 1
CO, 654 TD Bn - 1
CO, 547 AAA AW Bn - 1
CO, 35 Cav Rcn Tr - 1
CO, 735 Ord Co - 1
CO, 35 QM Co - 1
C/S - 1
G-1 - 1
G-2 - 1
G-3 - 3
G-4 - 1
Div Engr - 1
Div Surg - 1
Mil Govt O - 1
Div Sig O - 1
I & E O - 1
AG - 1
Transcribed by Roberta V. Russo
Palatine, IL
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