T/5 Gordon E. Cross served with the Medical Detachment, 134th Infantry Regiment,
35th Infantry Division. He kept a diary of his experiences compiled after the
war from bits of paper he carried with him in his pack or helmet headband. It
represents his words regarding what he experienced as a front line medic
assigned to the 134th Infantry Regiment Medical Detachment between July, 1944
and May, 1945, from Omaha Beach to the fall of Germany.
2nd Battalion moving up Bochum
134th Inf Reg medical jeep
134th Inf squad taking a break
134th Infantry
Aid station near Wesel
Captured German artillery battery
Chaffie, Landmark and driver Davis
Civilians evacuating
Cross and Chaplin rehearsing service
Cross displaying spoils of war
Cross holding mascott Tuffy
Crossing the Ruhr
Ernie Pyle Bridge over Ruhr
German casualties
German casualties
German civilians evacuating a town near Elbe
German civilians evacuating
German flyer captured after plane shot down
Hitler's yacht, gift from city of Cologne
Nazi plane landed out of gas
Note 35 Div markings on bumper
One of our tanks
Planes evacuating POW's
PW Camp
Remagen bridge
Randerath, photo taken from Aid Station
Randerath, sign says beyond this point you are
under enemy observation
Remagan bridge
Remagan bridge
Sargent Ozzie (S/Sgt Ralph I Osborne?)
This was a house, note dud
Village evacuation
Thanks to William G. Cross for these photographs from his father's collection and permission to post
his father's diary.